Science Fiction. Our young writers' tales

Hey there!
Where's the limit? What's the next challenge? Time, Space, Intelligence...?
After reading a passage of H.G. Wells' "War of the worlds" in class, I made a proposal: "Why don't you make some teams to write a short four-or-six-hand sci-fi tale?" That was the challenge and they accepted! When I say "they" I refer to my class of 4ºESO B-C bilingual (the loudest class ever but the one you can't help loving).
They had one week to squeeze their brains, loose their imagination, work effectively in teams and to give birth a short tale... and so they did!
I had promised them to have a winner but I can't! you can take my word for this; so I have decided to ask them for permission to upload the tales to our magazine and let the readers decide.
I have uploaded the three first stories but I will upload them all as the students send them to me.
Hope you can enjoy the tales as much as I did.  Just click the page "THE TALES" above to ckeck it out and please, We will open a poll gadget next Dec.19th for the readers to vote; we hope that all the writers will have handed their masterpieces in by then.

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